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Ian Liddell-Grainger | Worst Politicians

The Somerset MP represents Bridgwater, makes the list for
his all-round uselessness as an mp as well as his poor behaviour towards anyone but himself.

Let's start with his comparing Taunton a town in the UK, which is in an economic straights as much of the UK is, to the war-torn city of Aleppo in Syria, which has been subject to many warring factions resulting in the deaths of many people and the utter destruction of most of the city.

An exceedingly callous comparison at the which shows a pattern of behaviour in the MP.

Grainger's behaviour in the houses of parliament is allegedly very unprofessional and contributes to the general disbelief of ordinary people about how parliamentarians act towards each other.

An accusation levelled at Graner was that he shouted "suicide" at an SNP MP.

While the SNP MP was raising the question about what options were available for Scottish MPs to make their voices heard on the issues being spoken about on that day Liddle Granger was heard to shout suicide.

A despicable comment from the Bridgwater MP, especially since suicide, is such a big killer in the UK.

You should be careful not to get on the wrong side of Granger.

An email complaint from a constituent was published on his blog along with the constituents name, email address and home address.

The doxing resulted in a legal complaint from the constituent.

In another case.

He also erased a local politician from a picture because he didn't like him much.

Good to see Granger is using his time as an MP well.

Lidell Granger has also been accused of writing to himself to increase his response ranking on websites that report MPs response times.

Given all of this and more, it is not a surprise that West Somerset Council’s Conservatives group have passed a vote of no confidence in the Bridgwater MP.

The Conservatives wanted their own MP out because they said he was backstabbing and unethical. A view that would appear to be born out by the cases we have already mentioned.

They also sighted his gratuitously derogatory comments towards the local west somerset council and the people that worked there. Apparently, he was actively undermining what the council was trying to do for the local people of Bridgwater.

To quote from the conservatives reasons for passing their vote of no confidence of Liddle Granger:

 Treatment of “certain individuals have been immoral sometimes by bullying and making fun in public of those unable or unwilling to defend themselves and finally ill-informed, dishonourable, divisive and destructive behaviour... makes him unfit to be a member of parliament” and the West Somerset Council Conservative Group “does not trust him and lacks confidence in him”.

So not only has Granger managed to offend his own constituents and colleagues he cant event keep his own party on his side.

Liddle granger is a political bully boy not even his own party can stand.

Congratulations to granger you truly deserve to be on this list.


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