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Prime Minister REVEALS One Negotiation On Brexit, We Thought It Was A Secret

The EU has been talking about what it will do during the Brexit negotiations. The main point being what will happen to EU immigrants in the country and what will happen to British people living in the EU.

The Prime minister has said she would like to sort the issue as one of the first things addressed in the Brexit Negotiations. She would like that British citizens in the EU have the right to remain, giving away a negotiation point, which is funny as the Prime Minister has been adamant that they the government will not reveal negotiation positions. So which is it Prime Minister, do we get to know positions now?

The EU has taken the lead amid the confusion and lack of any plan from the British Government while the Government uses the cover of holding its cards close to its chest.

This seems to be a point of agreement between the UK and the EU, which is not surprising as the logistics and personal distress this would cause immigrants who have established themselves over years of living in their new residence.
Perhaps this is a signal that despite the rhetoric coming from the Conservative party we will not have a hard Brexit but a soft one.

This shows the shady Conservative Government can reveal negotiation positions. It also shows us the pointlessness of them going all the way to the high court to argue that parliament should not get to hear these positions.

Why won't the Government just get on with the debate in Parliament, then at least we can move the conversation on instead of the endless speculation that is dominating the political discourse at the moment. However, perhaps the time wasting is the Prime Ministers tactic for letting the popular support for Brexit continue to dwindle, as the leave campaigns lies are revealed and the banks start to put the boot in saying they are going to move to the EU.


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