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STARTLING INTEL: Russia Moves Nuclear Capable Weapon Systems Into Eastern Europe

Russia has deployed more missiles to target shipping to add to the Nuclear capable Iskander systems as well as the S-400 missiles to Kaliningrad which is close to the border with Poland.

The Russians have said that this is in response to the NATO deployment of their defensive shield which includes an anti-missile system in Poland.

Russia says that the systems deployed in Kaliningrad would render these defenses pointless, Russia feels this is a checkmate against the increased NATO deployment.

The move comes soon after NATO exercises by NATO forces near Russias western border, which was part of the continued worrying saber rattling between Russia and NATO.

These missile systems not only represent a potential nuclear threat but also allow Russia to disrupt any movements Baltic countries may make in a combat situation to support each other.

We can only hope that the mutual escalation of military force between NATO and Russia is stopped soon. It seems we are already coming into a new cold war situation, with more hard line right wingers gaining power in Europe and Putin's weakening position at home due to economic sanctions, pushing any chance of reconciliation further away.

How do you think the situation could be cooled down?


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