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DEVASTATING Noth Pole Warming, Current Temperatures Unheard Of

At the moment the Artic is well above its average temperature for this time of year even though its winter and it's in virtual darkness for the entire time.

Degradation of the Arctics has a knock on effect for planets weather systems, it acts a cooling system for the planet by reflecting solar energy back into space as well as cooling the seas and air.

As the arctic melts, it creates a runaway warming effect as less Ice means more exposed sea which then absorbs more heat intern melting more ice.

The ice will withdraw and release carbon and methane into the atmosphere which accelerates the runaway train of warming, as the arctic is estimated to hold half of the planets below ground carbon store, which is twice the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere at them moment.

As the ice melts, sea levels will rise and weather systems will become more extreme and temperatures will rise. This obviously creates strains on population areas, food growth, and fresh water availability.

The arctic is also of Geostrategic importance, melting ice can reveal new shipping routes and reveal resources that may not have been obtainable before can create conflict as many areas of the arctic are contested.

With the election of the climate denier Trump and the increase of the selfish politics of the right, we see populations democratically deciding to destroy themselves.
This IS the biggest issue facing us on the planet, but with polls showing people think the economy is the main issue, an economy which means we cannot find a solution to global warming then minds have to be changed or people will continue to vote for their own destruction.

What action do you think should be taken?


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