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Showing posts from September, 2018

Corruption in UK Government, an open Scandal in British politics

In the UK corruption is rarely a topic talked about, especially where Parliament is concerned. We often get the odd scandal such as, Russian donations to the conservative party, cash for questions, the expenses scandal, and lobbying scandals but no effective reforms have taken place after the news cycle has moved onto something else. But corruption continues to be a major issue affecting UK politics from undeclared financial interests to kickbacks to MPs from lobbying. To see how corruption in effects the highest levels of government we will look back to nineteen eleven before this point MP's were not paid which left the institution in the hands of the wealthy. For example, the famous Clive of India, after having made his wealth plundering the nation he was named for, he returned home to dominate local politics, by buying land and being awarded titles for his plundering of India Clive got himself, his cousin his father and his attorney seats in Parliament, allowing him to f...

The TRUTH about the Venezuela Crisis and How it Could be Fixed

You hear news coming out of Venezuela, but the country has been subject to conspiracies to topple the government, and media agencies have hardly given the country unbiased coverage, so what is going on in Venezuela right now? First off, a bit of context. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, and, like many South American countries have a history of corrupt politics with inequality and poverty rife despite the natural riches of the country. In 1999, Hugo Chavez became president in a coup where he over through the political elite who were imposing highly unpopular austerity measures on the Venezuelan people. Venezuela had been a democracy since 1958 however only two parties had been in control of the country. Corruption was rife, poverty was high and inequality massive. Chavez would rule until 2013, having reduced unemployment from 14.5% to 7.6%, increased GDP per capita from just over four thousand dollars to over ten thousand dollars, decreased extreme poverty f...