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Labour's Workers' Rights Overhaul: A Mirage of Progress in Capitalist Britain

Labour's Workers' Rights Overhaul: A Mirage of Progress in Capitalist Britain In a move touted as the "biggest upgrade in employment rights for a generation," Britain's newly-minted Labour government has unveiled an ambitious package of workers' rights reforms. While the bourgeois press hails this as a triumph for the working class, a deeper analysis reveals the inherent contradictions and limitations of such reforms within the capitalist system. The Illusion of Change: Examining Labour's Employment Rights Bill The Employment Rights Bill, introduced roughly 100 days into Labour's tenure, presents a veneer of progress that ultimately serves to maintain the status quo of worker exploitation. Let us dissect the key elements of this legislation and expose its true nature. Sick Pay and Parental Leave: Crumbs from the Capitalist Table Among the headline measures are changes to sick pay and parental leave entitlements. Workers will now be able to claim s
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Origins of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism

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